Navigating the Legal System can be a frightening and horribly confusing experience. In today's legal climate having a lawyer that will properly work with their clients is more important than ever. Michael J. Fitzpatrick Law understands that each case is unique and needs individual attention. You don’t need a lawyer that will cram your case into a boilerplate defense. You need to be more than a case number and we understand that.

Reach out today for a free consultation and see the difference that an experienced and caring attorney can bring to your case.

We believe in getting our clients a fair run in court, not a cookie cutter approach.

Michael J. Fitzpatrick has been a police officer and investigated crimes, and as a City and County Prosecutor, he has prosecuted people for crimes. This gives him unique insight into the kind of tactics that the prosecution will bring against you. His vast training and experience is an advantage in representing people charged with criminal offenses.

Don't let a coin flip determine your fate. Stack the deck in your favor with M.J. Fitzpatrick Law

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